Maintenance and replacement of HVAC filters

Maintenance and replacement of HVAC filters

As the mechanical filters are filled with particles over time, the collection efficiency decreases while a pressure drop occurs. This pressure drop significantly inhibits the flow of air and therefore the filters must be replaced.

Electrostatic filters, which are composed of polarized fibers, may lose their collection efficiency over time or when exposed to certain chemicals, aerosols or high relative humidity. The pressure drop in an electrostatic filter generally increases at a slower rate than in a mechanical filter of similar efficiency.

Therefore, unlike the mechanical filter, the pressure drop for the electrostatic filter is a poor indicator to measure the need to change the filters. When selecting an HVAC filter, you must take into account these differences between mechanical and electrostatic filters because they will have an impact on the performance of your filter (collection efficiency over time), as well as maintenance or replacement requirements.

The air in our home contains particles such as dust, smoke, bacteria, fungus; although they may go unnoticed, they are very harmful to our health. This type of substances that affect mainly elderly people, babies and allergic people, can cause from respiratory diseases to problems falling asleep.

The main objective of air conditioning filters is to eliminate this type of particles harmful to health, improving air quality and eliminating possible unpleasant odors. The characteristics of the filters vary according to whether they are for commercial, domestic or industrial equipment, or they also vary based on whether the equipment is a split, air purifier, etc.

If the HVAC equipment is used daily or 24 hours a day, it is advisable to replace it monthly, instead if it is only used for periods, it is recommended to check every 3/6 months or in each season always following the manufacturer’s instructions. We must always be clear that although our team has the best filters in the market, once the recommended time of use has passed, they will lose their effectiveness and will also increase electricity consumption.

These are the 4 types of filters most commonly used in domestic.

HEPA mechanical filters

This filters collect 99% of particles of more than 0.3 microns which makes them the most effective and efficient. This type of filters for HVAC equipment is capable of eliminating mites, mold spores, bacteria, animal hairs. They are a great solution to improve air quality in sectors as strict as the aerospace, pharmaceutical, hospital. It can even be said that in the beginning, in the 40s, they were designed to prevent the spread of radioactive pollutants in the air.

Active carbon filters

It is a porous material that absorbs volatile chemicals on a molecular basis and is the most common of all filters. Eliminate bad odors, absorb grease from the air, cool the environment and trap harmful gases. The duration of the activated carbon filters for HVAC equipment is limited since they can not be cleaned or washed, they must be replaced when they have fulfilled the time of use. They are usually complemented with HEPA filters by placing after it.

Plasma filters

The plasma filter compacts the microdust particles through a plasma ion system, and is a permanent filter.

Ionizing filters

This filters generate negative ions balancing the excess of positive ions emitted by the electrical equipment thus improving the quality of the air. They also eliminate pollen and noxious gases.

Air conditioning and HVAC equipment filters generally control the air in the environment and help maintain it in optimum quality conditions.

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